Подборка: Classic Comedy, Romance, Music Films,
25 июл 2019
Kid Millions 1934 - Eddie Cantor, Ann Sothern, Ethel Merman, George Murphy
Classic Movies Kristine Rose
John Brouillette
Are you able to upload another version that doesn't skip?
Classic Movies Kristine Rose
I just played it and I can't find the skipping that you are talking about. It is 480p. It has over 1000 views and nobody has mentioned an issue. Try clearing your flash cache - sometimes when watching on a PC, the timing gets off kilter - only thing to do with that is refresh or back up a bit.
John Brouillette
One of the skips is at 1:25
Classic Movies Kristine Rose
Honestly, these are old movies and not every one has been digitally remastered. This is the only print I have. I was reading on Amazon and the master is damaged on the new DVD release. So this is the best we have - particularly for free.
Steve Burstein
The Nicholas Brothers are the highlight of the film.